Battery problems following upgrade to Win 8.1

Battery problems following upgrade to Win 8.1

I've just upgraded my VPCS12C7E from Win 7 Pro to Win 8.1 Pro and I'm experiencing some issues with the battery.  When the laptop was running Win 7 I had the battery care function enabled to charge the battery to 50% as the computer was largely used on the mains adaptor.  Prior to installing 8.1 I had put a fresh 7 install on from an .iso image and the only update performed afterwards was to install the nVidia graphics driver, there was literally nothing else installed, no files, no Sony software, no updates etc.  I ran the 8.1 install from the .exe file and chose to retain nothing, so a completely fresh install was completed.  Everything seems to have gone ok except the battery still only charges to 50%!  This leads me to believe that possibly the battery itself is somehow programmed to charge only to 50% as of course the Sony battery care software is not even installed anymore?  If this is the case, how am I able to restore full charge to the battery when the battery care function does not work with 8.1 (I tried installing the Sony software but the battery care functon is missing from Vaio control panel).  Am I now forced to reinstall Win 7, reinstall the Sony software to switch off battery care and then upgrade back to Win 8.1 again?


Any help or advice would be much appreciated..

