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KDL55HX92 Picture issue


KDL55HX92 Picture issue


Have had this tv for 4 weeks now and am generally pleased with it apart from one aspect and was wondering if anyone else has noticed the same?

What I'm seeing during sports programs particularly, but not exclusively, is what I can only describe as subtle but at times noticable  'background ghosting effect'. Eg, when viewing a football match everything is ok on close ups and when the play is very slow but when it the action speeds up just a little bit, not really fast, you see horizontal areas of light and dark bands appear on the pitch as when a ball is hit long for example or when the play on the pitch speeds up a fraction. This only lasts for a few seconds at a time and then settles down again, but is very annoying when you notice it and when you do you can't help but look out for it again and again as it keeps appearing in your field of vision even when you try to ignore it. These arn't thick rigid lined bands but soft top to bottom of the screen subtle type bands which is the best way I can describe it! Not ultra noticable but there nevertheless!!

I've been playing around with all the picture and scene settings functions with no luck and also bought an award winning HDMI cable but still no better picture. I'm still getting the same viewing issue wether I view through my sky HD box or digital tv ariel after the digital changeover yesterday.

Am beginning to wonder if this is an issue because this is a 3D TV and may be some conflict with the 2D technology  as a result? I hadA kdl52v4000 before this tv and the picture was brilliant with no motion artefact at all so I 'm a bit dissapointed as I love my sport!

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas out there that can help with this before I bother Sony.


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Accepted Solutions


i have the same set and have not noticed the effects you describe, but to be fair i dont watch hardly any football and in fact the only sport is F1, furthermore the condition you describe is known as "banding" i believe and there is nothing you can do short of changing for a plasma panel, i feel that this is a trait of LCD technology and not a fault as such and football matches have been known to bring the worst of this out due to fast panning shots, you could approach Sony with this but dont hold much hope for a satisfactory answer.

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i have the same set and have not noticed the effects you describe, but to be fair i dont watch hardly any football and in fact the only sport is F1, furthermore the condition you describe is known as "banding" i believe and there is nothing you can do short of changing for a plasma panel, i feel that this is a trait of LCD technology and not a fault as such and football matches have been known to bring the worst of this out due to fast panning shots, you could approach Sony with this but dont hold much hope for a satisfactory answer.