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KDL-46W4000 Vertical Lines on Screen that disappear when TV warms up

KDL-46W4000 Vertical Lines on Screen that disappear when TV warms up

Hi there

I have been reading with interest some of the faults that other users of Sony's more recent LCD TVs are suffering from, and I would like to throw my two penny's worth in.

I purchased my TV around May 2008 from Sound & Vision (Internet distributor) which developed a nagging fault within the first 8 months. Unfortunately I'd lost the receipt and all knowledge of where I'd actually got it from by then (I know, pretty silly) and by the time the receipt showed up it was outside of the one-year warranty. I contacted them anyway but they unfortunately couldn't help.

Undeterred, I trotted down the local Sony Centre in Brighton to be told (as many of you have) that they are nothing to do with Sony, and are just a franchise. As such they have no interest in repairs or in even contacting Sony on your behalf. This makes me wonder why Sony bother to franchise their name into stores, as the arrangement they have seems to make them no better than taking your chances on eBay or any other random supplier.

Slightly deterred, I wrote to Sony, and never received a reply. Sent another chase letter, no response.

Basically I'm at a loss as to what to try next. I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron so if anyone has had the same fault and cured it (possibly a replacement TCON board?) then I'm all ears, I don't mind paying £200 for a part to extend the life of a £1500 TV, as long as it actually cures the fault and gives me a few more good years.

Because the lines disappear when it gets hot (after about an hour) I can live with it, but I have a new line that's appeared in the past few days (green, nearer the middle of the screen as can be seen on the picture) so I'm concerned this is a sign of the beginning of the end and the start of an accelerated decline...

Any advice or help gratefully received,

