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KDL-32ex713/Time Capsule/ Virgin Media Sup Hub Problems Connecting to the Internet

KDL-32ex713/Time Capsule/ Virgin Media Sup Hub Problems Connecting to the Internet

Hi there,

First post please stay with me.

I have the above equipment and have had nothing but problems connecting the TV to the internet, both hard wired and with the Sony dongle.

I have tried just the TV and hub, the TV time capsule and hub, the tv time capsule, hub and a netgear switch and various combinations of the above.

What’s happening is when i hard wire the TV to the time capsule it picks up the Internet fine. every thing works until i turn the TV off and back on then the TV won't pick the internet back up at all.

I have disabled firewalls, assigning static IP addresses, entering the DNS server info etc.

I have been at this for over a year now and am at my wits ends with the TV. What should be a simple procedure has taken hours upon hours win no results.

I have even phoned Sony on numerous occasions, with no luck, they just gave up on me in the end.

My preferable setup would be the super hub into the time capsule, the tv into the time capsule ( I have media storage on the system).

I'm also with varying degrees of success streaming contact from my home network to the TV through my i7 iMac using iSedora.

Has anyone got the TV hooked up to the internet via a Time Capsule, if so would you please kindle post your set up (screen shots of the time capsule set is very appreciated).

If you need more info please ask away.

Hoping you can help


P.S. all firmware's on the TV, Time capsule and Super Hub are the latest.

Message was edited by: jbrookes

Message was edited by: jbrookes


You have this problem for over a year now and this is the first time you asked for help regarding this problem?