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HDMI Failure on Sony Bravia KDL-32V4000

HDMI Failure on Sony Bravia KDL-32V4000

HI there,

It would seem that many people could be thousands, have this problem, where sony have dedigned a very poor HDMI board that develops a glitch within 6 months, where the screen flicks from monitor view to laptop/pc view glitching in a loop till it says 'out of range' it used to happen to mine once every month or two, and after a few mins the laptop I conected to or the xbox would finally be viewable from the sony screen.  now it glitches  every day. Currently Ive just given up trying for half an hour for it to re set itself, is this it will HDMI never work on my SONY will it ever come back..

here is a serious design fault here, Ive heard others went to SONY who asked for $150 in exchange for a b board, install at ones peril and most people say it fixes the monitor

Well is there anyone out there that can shed light on this, Im from UK so cant used what the guys for $150 b board used as their links are to us companies..

SONY if your listening do you care??????????????????????????

the hardware and software design on this system was very poor, sad in this time of depression you couldnt hire a decent team of engineers to design a system that could last for say 4 years would be nice!!!!!!!!

couldnt you offer us a board for free, give us a recall!! and those of us who can install hardware do it ourselves, and for those who cant just charge to install.. If Microsoft can do this for their glitchi Wii......... SONY can tooo!!

I thought  SONY was a sign for quality, well it seems they arnt,.

My Bravia is just passed its 2 year guarentee... £1000 for two years of tv.... GUTTED!!!

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Message was edited by: ellishnoo

Message was edited by: ellishnoo

Message was edited by: ellishnoo