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Why have the RDR DC ... DVD HDD machines been withdrawn?

Why have the RDR DC ... DVD HDD machines been withdrawn?

Why have the RDR DC ... DVD HDD machines been withdrawn? They suddenly disappeared from this Sony Website. Could it be that too many customers like myself have had too many problems? I am keeping faith with Sony products, but not these machines!


Probably because the DVD dubbing function is VERY unreliable when dubbing from Freeview HDD recordings !

Message was edited by: Not_happy

Becasue they are useless.  Everyone has the same problem with them as I do.  They don't record.  The TV guide is patchy and unreliable.  it is exceedingly SLOW.  the machine won't display channel names only .D---

Horrible machine.  I have been loyal to Sony and cannot imagine what they were thinking about releasing this totally inferior machine.  Their older models of DVD recorders were superb.  This one cannot be called a DVD recorder - becasue It cannot be depended on to record at all.

Dear fidmorga, your problem with the DC200 seems differents from the other ones you posted your comment to. Which EPG are you using? You may know you can choose between Guideplus and standard Freeview. I prefer the first (also because in Italy the standard EPG is not filled by the TV operators).

In case you want to use it (or you are already using it) if you have problem you should look at the errors it may shows in the connection to the Guideplus Host Channel. If the connection is working fine, you'll get "picture" of the channel instead of the channel #. The only problems is that it takes some times to fill all the data (at least one hour) the first time, than the update go silently during the night.

If your reception of the host channel is good, you'll never miss the time recording, it works. If you have doubts check on the guideplus web site for the right host channel in your zone.

I'm not a fan of the DC series (i'm an owner of an HXD870), but for other reasons (it is slow, it has not autochaptering features, it has not high speed dubbing, etc.) but for recording ... uao of course it should do it!

I agree 100% with you. They can't be called DVD recorders because they don't RECORD !!  Is this problem ever going to be solved. Come on Sony lets have some answers on this PROBLEM !!!!




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