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RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode


RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode

My RDR HXD870 updates about 4 x per day which is normally fine but now it locks in to update which completely freezes the machine .  When this happens the only way to release it is to hold in the power button for 7secs. I have tried a hard reset and a firmware update...both failed to cure it. Any ideas anyone please.

149 REPLIES 149

#106 It's probably something daft like an unsigned short read in as signed and has just gone over 32767. We've all been there but it's still no excuse. Most corps are stuck with 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' and half the time somebody knows it's faulty but nobody will sign off the budget until someone complains.


Well heads up sony, there's suddenly a whole lot of previously satified customers out here.


davids.hendry if you want to do fw update I suggest you follow the 'french' fix listed back up this thread, then update. Howeve 1.70 probably will not fix this.

Mine and my fathers are both doing this too. All works fine except the EPG is now a different colour with no info and it is not showing TV for more than 2 seconds. Also if I do a manual software update it gets stuck.

Has Sony acknowledged this problem?

The fix does work - you have to just catch it when it boots up again - press the on quickly a few times- you will get WELCOME coming up.

The fix worked for a day, now it gets stuck with a similar problem but epg, I don't want to have reset everyday and I can't use the timer recording. I always bought Sony maybe not anymore.


Hi all,

I have got the sam issue but with an added problem, I have tried all the fixes listed and now our player when switched on goes straight to 'Easy set up' (looks like the intial setting when very first switched on) and does not accept commands from the remote.

I have tried the firmware update method with the CD (Downloaded), the disc starts to be read and gives the correct message on the player then opens the drawer with very little time to remove the disc, then closes and powers down. I did try leaving the disc in but the same thing happened - it shut the drawer and powered down

I have tried the soft reboot and also switched off at the wall - no change.

The plaer on Standby is sitting with the time as --:--

I am able to switch the player on and off with an 'All in One' remote and nothing else, the Sony remote does not do any thing at all, I can still control our Sony TV with both remotes.

Can anybody body help please as we have a few things on the Hard drive and want to record this week!


check the recorder to see if its on command set 1 , or 2 , or 3 (check the instructions booklet or the sony website pdf manual for this)


then ensure you set the handset to the same command set (default is 3 I think, which doesnt show in the lcd window)


once they are on the same command set, the remote will operate the machine again

I have 4of this model and all 4 machines have froze on Upload I have tried all the suggestions and switched to france but when I power up machine is blank but when I change the channel it works this does not help with the timer as it switches off after recording but you might be able to record individual program's if you set it up and leave it powered
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Sony... is there any update to this issue yet? You should be telling us something, especially as it has been going on since Fri...... ???????


Got a phone call when I was out and about yesterday from my mum to tell me she couldn't get her Sony HDR to work. Normally this is because she is on the wrong AV channel or Input selection. Tried talking through all the options and got completely stumped. When I got home last night around 7.30pm I noticed my Sony HDR was trying to update. Now over 12 hours later mine is still stuck.


Sony - this is seriously affecting your reputation. Scary to think how many folk out there who don't use the internet (my folks don't) and won't be able to follow any reset instructions.


I'm not interested in a temporary fix. I've got two boxes to try and rectify. Get it sorted Sony. This is a mess.