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DVD Recorder RDR HXD890 losing all channels when turned off


DVD Recorder RDR HXD890 losing all channels when turned off



for the past few days our dvd has been losing all channels when switched off. The latest comments to a seemingly similar problem are from 2013 so I was wondering whether anyone knows of the current cause and, hopefully, also a solution to this.


Any tips will be welcome but I have tried the factory reset several times already with - you guessed it - absolutely no effect.


Many thanks


Hi, yes exactly the same as me. Loses all channels when turned off. I don't even use the stupid machine anymore. I would take it to get repaired but sony sound so unsure what the problem is, I am doubting it can even be fixed.


(Sent from my iPhone)

It's very strange: you have the latest firmware and you did the unplugging trick to free up the memory but still no joy... if you don't loose all the other setting it cannot even be a problem of the battery. I guess you two live in the same are and get the broadcast from the same repeater... 


The firmware is the problem
The disc I have is from Sony and it's made the whole sorry mess worse

Sent from my iPhone

I'm out of solution for you, I'm sorry. I can only suggest to try another factory reset, unplugging for a longer time (maybe 5 mins) and see the result. I'm non confident that you can solve it.

So, the sorry saga continues 

the machine started loosing channels in July 

spoke to the forum - you mentioned firmware update 

spoke to Sony 

they finallly sent me a disc which doesn't work - I know this because it's not doing what that the printed blurb from Internet that Sony sent me says it should be doing

Just come off phone with Sony 

The can either send me another disc or advise me to go an authorised engineer.



I have no faith in the new disc as the first one that they burnt and sent doesn't work 

anyone have any dealing with taking the machine to a man to get it fixed 

£39 just to look at it 

Sony have recommended Gwynne TV services in Braintree - anyone used them? 


Do I a) take machine to man and hope he can fix it as Sony man says it is repairable 

b) bin it and buy a replacement - but not  Sony as they don't make it anymore 

c) go straight to the daily mail as I'm fed up of Sony not taking responsibility for their update breaking my machine ? 


Sorry for for sounding ranty but I am very annoyed !



My email to Sony 


Ref no 12940792


I have had this machine for a number of years and other than the infamous channel drop of 2013 it has worked fine - as I expect my Sony products to ( we have a number)
For some reason Sony issued an update in ? June time which caused my and many other machines to drop channels on a whim, and then on an increasingly regular basis
I have posted on your forum looking for answers and the issue appears to be a firmware problem.
I have no idea what this means
I rang Sony who confirmed it was firmware issue caused by one of their updates but this can be fixed by going on line and burning a cd in a certain way including bowing to the moon three times on Sunday whilst holding a 4 leaf clover in one hand and a rabbits foot in the other.
I don't have the option to burn discs as I have an iPad.
The kind man offered to send me a disc which finally arrived 2 weeks later along with instructions printed from the Internet
I've followed these instructions and they do not work
The disc does NOTHING at all
Husband has followed instructions - same result

I rang Sony again today and spoke to Ahmed - a very nice man who was very patient with my crossness at the situation ( not him)
He suggested I have another disc sent out - why ? What guarantee do I have that the second one will work when the first one allegedly came from the 'I can fix it' dept postmarked Brigend?

In the mean time the machine has got even worse and regardless of how often I tune it -- which has been daily for 6 weeks, it now drops EVERYTHING the second it gets turned off. I can record if I am in the room to press the rec button on the remote. What exactly is the use of that? I may as well be watching the programme

Your man has suggested I drive the machine to Braintree to an authorised engineer who may be able to repair the machine - if it is repairable as Ahmed seems to think
That's a round trip of 90 miles to drop it off and another 90 to pick it up and an instant £39 to look at it
At HMRC rates that's the thick end of £100 in travel plus £39 before the engineer decides how ever many parts are needed.

Does that seem fair that I have to go all this expense in terms of time, money and aggravation to fix something you broke ?

I'm tempted to replace the machine and send you the bill but you don't make it anymore so you are at grave risk of loosing a hitherto very loyal Sony customer.

I'd really like to hear from you about why you issued the upgrade that broke the machine to start with and why this sorry saga has occurred

I'd also like to know what gesture of goodwill you are prepared to make in order for me to repair or replace the machine.



Sent from my iPad
Please excuse any typos. Auto correct and I don't always agree.

I understand your feelings and i have to admit i didn't understand your actual situation: so it seems you didn't upgrade the machine due to a faulty cd.
At this point if i were you I'll do this:
Wait for the New disk and try once again the upgrade since the last firmware is proven to solve your problem. In case you don't succeed i'd avoid spending money on such an old machine and put my money (some more but not that many) on a pvr with two dvbt hd tuner and 1tb hđd ).
I cannot share any comment on Local Sony assistance since i live in italy.
Btw i cannot completely agree on the support received from Sony on a 7 years old device.

Heskete, just some few check:

  • your recorder is able to read another CD (you may try a musical CD)? just to be sure you don't have a faulty driver
  • are you sure you (and your husband) followed exactly the upgrade procedure? it is necessary to put the disk in the tray, close it and PUSH REC-STOP and PLAY button together (first REC-STOP and while pressing push PLAY) directly on the deck (not the remote)
  • if you already did this, which was the effect? nothing at all? an error message?

Just for the sake of truth the reason for the fault is not a firmware upgrade (that I assume you never did and it's not done automatically by the device): simply the firmware developed at the time was not expected to manage the number of digital channel that are available nowadays. Th fix was developed firstly in Italy in 2010 when the digital switch off happened (before England, incredibly) and then distributed also in GB when the same problem appeared...


I've given up and have bought a Panasonic 

that's another customer Sony has lost 


this sorry saga has been going on since May and I've lost patience 


thank you you community people for trying to help but I don't think it's fixable and Im refusing to spend any more time or money on this especially when no one at Sony wants to take me seriously 




I followed the instructions to the letter - as did hubby  and I talked the process through as I was in the phone with Sony 


the the machine does play other discs 


the one I was sent did not work . 


I am am capable of reading instructions