Any way to completely disable Youview?

Any way to completely disable Youview?

Is there any way to completely disable Youview so that the apps that rely on Youview to function disappear from the featured apps list? Having those apps in that list has caused no end of confusion in our household with missed recordings and broken satellite ability. I'm wondering if going through the initial setup but telling it I'm in Ireland would do it (though I'm guessing that would cause other complications).

Not applicable

Hi there


The only way you can disable YouView is:


  1. Press [Home] button on the remote control
  2. Go to 'Settings'
  3. Go to 'Channel Setup'
  4. Go to 'YouView Setup'
  5. Select 'Disable YouView'
  6. Select 'Yes' to confirm


Same process to re-enable it again





I have tried the steps you state (many, many times now !) but each time I disable YouView, when I then try to use the ITV Hub or the All 4 catch-up apps it prompts me to set up YouView again.


I have googled this and the "solution" given is to click through the YouVew set-up screens and click "Dont Accept", repeating this as many times as necessary until it stops nagging.


However, I have tried this repeating "Dont Accept" up to 20 times but still it keeps nagging me to set up YouView.


Why cant you just uninstall YouView completely ?


Having had Samsung TVs for many years, I thought I'd give Sony a go as their picture quality got really good reviews - I'm begining to regret my decision as I could get my Samsungs to do whatever I wanted, but this Sony is like a bolshy teenager !


Help please !

Not applicable

Hi there


ITV Player and All4 catchup apps are incorporated into YouView and NOT the TV itself.  Hence disabling YouView you cannot access those two catchup apps. 


There is no way to completely remove YouView.  Besides - if there was, ITV Player and All4 would be removed too.


Although on the opposite - Enabling YouView removes the option for HDD recording and disables the satellite EPG/Tuner.



I used to be able to disable Youview, as my wife somehow keeps enabling it when I'm not around and eventually the TV, a KD55 Af 9 packs up altogether. Since the last update and following the correct menus there is now now prompt for Youview disable once Channel Set up is selected. anyone help, Cheers

Asked twice and answered once.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Put Sony TV in recycling bin, where mine is going shortly. Worst TV I've ever had.

I have since found a way to disable YouView which has made the tv much more stable. However you cannot watch ITV player or C4 player with YV disabled you will need to cast from another device. 

All very poor, why doesn’t Sony have the full YV licence so it can work properly?????



What do you think a ‘full YV licence” might consist of?


Sony finally have the All4 and itv Hub apps, independent of YouView, on the 2020 H Android sets.


Why you can’t record on YouView seems to be a closely guarded secret, but I have always guessed it is closely related to why you can’t have Satellite with YouView.


But whether this is because YouView’s footprint is too big, or the shoe that Sony provided for it is too small, no one will say.


Though it remains an enduring mystery why, this issue having come up in 2015, Sony have never allocated a bigger area for YouView to be shoehorned into.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

There are several ways to minimise

youview re appearing :-


- Move sony select to the bottom row.  You can also remove it as a "channel" but I think it re appears with a soft reset

- then sideload all of the catch up app shortcuts from hoshsadiq github (except My5 - load that direct from the Play Store)

- order the apps so that the ones you use are first in the app tiles

- add the apps you use to favourites and have apps as the top row on the home menu

My home menu pictured below


