
Google Phone app

Google phone app is the worst. It's dragging the whole xperia down with it, since, well it's supposed to be a phone. The missed calls icon does not clear, I noticed there are multiple topics on that and no fix in site. Another issue is that if I want to use the phone in english, it will "assist" me with putting +1 in front of every number I try and "click-to-dial", because it automatically recognises that I am in the US. I'm not, I'm in Finland. So I have to use the phone in Finnish language. This seems to be the only way the phone "automatically" recognises I'm in Finland and uses +358 instead.

This is the worst crap I have seen in years. I soo wish I hadn't changed away from the experia xz compact (or zx or what ever, I never learn these stupid names). That was a good phone that actually fit in the pocket and worked.

Having used this for a while, the xperia 5 is actually too big. What do you do with a meter long screen anyway. Oh wait, you can split the screen and use 2 apps at the same time, great. If only you could use a keyboard at the same time so you could copy text or do something smart. Yeah, couldn't make that work in this iteration either. Fine, just at least fix the phone app. Jeez.


Hi @FINNL, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

The missed call icon is currently being investigated and will be fixed in a coming update. I'll keep everyone in the thread about this posted when I know more. You can find the thread on the link below.


Regarding the assist in the Phone application, open it up and then tap the three dots in the top right corner > Assisted Dialing > and turn "Assisted Dialing" off.

Does it still add a +1 in front of each number when you set the device language to English after turning this setting off?

The size of the device is not something that I can impact but I'm trying to adjust going from a Compact model to an Xperia 5 and it's taking some time to get used to the bigger screen. You can enable the one handed mode if that helps though in Settings > System > Gestures > One-handed mode.

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


I thought the switch from Xz1c to Xperia 5 was not as difficult as i thought and is quite refreshing. 

Regarding your +1 issue, try turning off assisted dialing. It should be somewhere in the phone app settings and also is the language on your phone set to American English? And by the way, it is an Android Bug


Assisted dialling has no impact on this. It still ads the "+1" sign if the language is in english (and the number does not have a country code)

Yeah, the size is obviously not an issue that anyone can fix, I decided to buy it and just need to live with that decision. It's just that the price has gone up since the earlier compact models, but I don't really see justification in quality or features. I guess for 800€ I was just really looking for a high-end phone and don't feel like I got one. 

Anyway, thanks for the answers and apologies for the rant.


@Yekollu, I'm glad to hear that the switch was easier for you than for me at least. Slightly_smiling_Face

I'm really happy with the width of the device as this is very similar to "real" compact models, it's just the height that I'm having a hard time adjusting to. I really like it when I'm watching YouTube and so forth because the screen is bigger, it's the whole "having a bigger device in the pocket" that I'm still getting adjusted to.

@FINNL, thank you and that must be very annoying. Slightly_frowning_Face

If you enable "Assisted dialing" and have the device set to English, what does it say on "Default home country", does this change to Canada/United Status, or is still set to "Automatically detect"?

As @Yekollu asked, when you set the device language, did you choose English and then Canada /United Status or did you scroll down a bit and pick "Finland"? If you haven't tried with English (Finland), could you please do that and let me know if anything has changed.

You mention that "the number does not have a country code", does that mean that all other numbers do not have a +1 added in front of them and it's just this number or are all your numbers affected in the call log?

To be honest, the cost for mobile devices these days are off the charts in general but since most people in the Nordics (where I'm situated) have a 24 month payment plan, they seem to be fine with spending 1000+ euros on a smartphone without any hesitation.

There are of course models and brands that aren't as expensive since they don't offer water resistance and so on and the device will be cheaper this way even though it has very good hardware.

Thank you and no problem for the rant, feedback is something that we value a lot and helps us improve! Slightly_smiling_Face

Let me know if changing the device language makes any difference.


I'm also using Xperia 5 in Finland with English language. No (country code) problem here. Assisted dialing is selected and default home country = automatically detected. 


Hi @MikkoK!

Thanks a lot for this information. Slightly_smiling_Face

Would you mind checking if you are using English (Finland) or some other English device language?

You can see this if you go to Settings > System > Languages & Input > Languages.

Thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi Jonas.

I have selected English (Finland) and as second language preference Suomi (Suomi).


Hi again @MikkoK, I hope you had a great weekend!

Thank you so much for this information and hopefully this can help @FINNL in case there is a difference if the device is set to English (United States). It would be weird though, but since it's not our Phone application, it gets a bit tricky..

Thanks again and have a nice day! Slightly_smiling_Face