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This is really bad, the Xperia 1 is supposed to be a premium camera phone BUT it performs like a midrange camera phone!
@ds2mph wrote:Next year Xperia flagships will probably have 1/1.7" 12MP Motion Eye sensor according to the famous leaker
not sure whether it follows 18mm standard(in this case bigger than Huawei Mate 30 Pro) or 16mm standard.
But if Xperia will include 1/1.7" where hujawei will include 1/1.5" it will only mean xperia xperia will be worse and with smaller sensor.
In fact current situation where xperia is lacking behind (from 1 year to few years) behind competition will not change. 1/1.7" is hujawei 2019 model sensor, not 2020. See what I mean?
All the reviews and comparisons will be pointing it and stating again hujawei is the best at camera, battery etc. When people are selecting xpensive flagship model for about 2 years they want it to be best of the best in every aspect to be as much future proof and last longer with high standards. This is why majority again will buy hujawei, shamesung etc and not sony, because in 2020 sony will bring the specs that other brands had in 2019... Sony will not bring same specs or better specs so that people pick up Xperia instead of other brand.
Same for battery, ram, rom etc.
Simple as is. People will compare the specs and price. What they can receive in similar price tag and then picking the best.
This is why xperia which is coming with worse camera containing smaller sensor, worse zoom or many years even without OIS people were begging for (remember how many years fans were crying to finally include OIS and stubborn sony didn't want to?), much smaller battery size, less rom and less ram is not selling that well as competition. Combine it with non existing communication and almost non existing marketing and the result is that only hardcore fans are buying Xperia.
But this situation repeats year over year and we can observe that even fans base is shrinking.
If sony will not come or pair or not offer better specs than competition at same price (yes it means lower margin profit but greater scale they need now to reduce the risk) then soon there will be no Xperia.
To conclude: 1/1.7" sensor is a bad news for Xperia in 2020 because it means Xperia again will be lacking behind the competition and its major rivals. Status quo.
Sad true. Now i really dont know what can i say... I really love old Xperia home and lots of great old things from Z series around sw, but now when i see : this app will lost this... This app will be deleted home has been stoped etc etc.... I really don't understund it. whats wrong?! Lots of fans know (and also sony know it) sony have large great names with lots of great thing (devices)... I mean... I just dont understund why sony dont want to make something great like black/orange Xperia Walkman edition (with lots of great stuff from Walkman), gaming phone like is ROG phone - Xperia playstation, big great camera by Alpha (for example have nokia in past) etc... I think i will buy xz3 with Xperia 1 (only for hw not for bad downgraded sw = without normal thing like always on, dark mode etc and withou some new inovations) and than if next year in new xperia will not be new Xperia home luncher with normal things i will go for Asus or Motorola. Yeah i am really hardcore fan, but this sw inovatons are worse then stock android...
Ps : it looks like they want to end and close Xperia. No marketing, app deleting and downgrading, some apps (in past only for Xperia smartphones) you can now use on other smartphones, normal things on stock android are blocked by sony, old things for Z series (like themes) were deleted from official sony google play account... I want great xperia with specific things only for them + sw from Pixels + great inovations (for example has galaxy note 10)...
Ps 2 : sony you have to learn from Asus how to make great smartphones (i mean marketing, sw camera, price, inovations, listen to your and new fans)